Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Disney World - Orlando FLORIDA

The beautiful Disney Castle lit up at night time.

I had always thought that Disney World was just one big theme park like Disneyland in California. I was wrong.
Disney World in Florida,is made up of FOUR theme parks.
Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studio's, Epcot and Magic Kingdom (which is where the castle is).
To give you an idea of size comparison it took us 5 days to cover all of Disneyland over on the west coast. Here in Florida you can cover 1 theme park in a day.

Day 1 - Animal Kingdom. Safari's (like an open range zoo), petting zoo, Lion King shows, Dinosaur discoveries, train rides, conservation and discovery shows, Finding Nemo performance - similar scale to Disney on Ice.

Day 2 - Hollywood Studio's. Home to Disney Pixar! Toy story characters, Pizza Planet, Phineas & Ferb, Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coasters, Indiana Jones Stunt shows, Lights Motors Action Stunt show (where they bought out the real "Lightning McQueen" - Ka - chow!!) , Backlot tours, Beauty and the Beast Shows. As well they have the "American Idol Experience" here, where you get to watch people sing that have been picked out of the crowd and had auditions to be a part of it and numerous other rides and simulators. Also the "Fantasmic" light show in the evening.

Day 3 - Magic Kingdom - (and David's Birthday).  What a way to spend your birthday - at Magic Kingdom. We bought David his very own set of "Mickey Ears" that said "It's my birthday". We also went and got him a standard issue "Birthday badge" from Guest Services as you walk in the gate with your very own name on it! All day David was greeted with "Happy Birthday David" from every Disney staff member and ride operator in the ENTIRE park. Pretty cool - he thought for the first hour. By the 14th hour of the day........hhhmmmmm not so much! We were at the park from 9am and got home at midnight. A 15 hour day!!
Magic Kingdom was like a land all of it's own. To get there - first you drive your car to the car park then you get on a open air bus to the front gates. From there it is your choice if you want to take the 'monorail' or the 'ferry' to the main entrance to the Magic Kingdom. We took the ferry across the lake. It really creates the story that you are being transported to another world!
Loads of rides, loads of shows, loads of performances  and a big beautiful main street that comes alive in the evening with an electric light show of floats filled with Disney characters (pictured below). Followed by the most incredible and magical fireworks display, set off over the castle.

Day 4 - Epcot - (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow). This theme park had two sections. The front of the park has rides and shows etc. A Test Track ride where you become the crash test dummy and the race car driver all in one. A Rocket Launch Simulator - Experience the pressure of a real rocket launch. At the rear of the park was an entire world of different countries. From China, Mexico, Italy, Japan, Norway through to England (unfortunately no Australia though - was very much looking forward to a meat pie)!! However in England we did find some real "Fish & Chips"!

Had some very full and fun days of theme parks here, but have had some really nice 'down days' here in Orlando too. We have caught up with another friend we met in Fort Lauderdale - Charlie.
He and his daughter Victoria have come to our apartment for dinner and we have shared the most incredibly cooked sirloin steaks on the grill followed up with Keylime pie. Now Charlie manages a nearby Golf & Country Club called "Lake Nona".

Me being the 'non - golfer' that I am was not familiar with the names of Annika Sorenstam & Yani Tseng. Only the women's world #1 and former women's world #1golfers! Charlie is such a generous, caring and hospitable person and he invited us to join him for dinner at the Country Club for family night. There we joined him for an incredible buffet of food and dined with the number #3 men's golfer in the world Ian Poulter, whilst Jackson and Makalea played with all the kids on jumping castles and craft rooms etc. I really wish I new something about golf to appreciate the company I was surrounded by! Charlie said that along with the golfers who play the course and have homes on the estate, it has or is also home to famous tennis players such as Jim Courier and Pete Sampras at some time or another.

Let me tell you about my dining experience. It is a 'gated community' and our names were left at the Country Club gates. Well, we all dressed appropriately in "Country Club" attire. I had on a full length grey dress with silver belt and shoes to match. Makalea dressed in lovely top & skirt and David & Jackson in collared shirt and shorts. We opted to leave Kenny at home for the evening!
Surrounded in the room of 20 to 30 people, of worlds best golfers and families. Charlie was quite the host and ordered champagne, Shirley temples for the kids and sushi to start with. Then followed by an amazing buffet of meats, salads, vegetables and desserts.
Yes that's right - remember the scene in Pretty Women when Julia Roberts is was way out of her comfort zone ........that was me!

Charlie also invited us back on the Sunday to the Pool Party, where we were surrounded by golfers, their families and we also met Miley Cyrus' stunt double! The Golf & Country Club had a fairly big pool, a DJ, a huge blow up water slide, pizza's, salads, drinks, a cup cake truck and a big blow up ball that you hop inside and roll down the hill in. these people do it right!
We will be forever grateful to Charlie and his family for letting us experience and be a part of his life here in Orlando.

An epic blog to do this time, so here is part 1 and part 2 will be up towards the end of the week, with some of Kenny's antics, when we finally start heading away from Florida towards those other 15 states we still need to see.

Till next time, Team Connor USA