Monday, September 01, 2014

We're back - Sept 2014 !!!!!!!

16 hour flight into Los Angeles, 18 hour stop over before our next flight....hey why not go to Disneyland and do the rides that Jackson was too small to go on last time! Running on empty, we trecked out to Anaheim got a $60 hotel room, threw our bags in and headed to the parks! It was less expensive to get a motel room than to store our baggage off site at LAX.
11.45pm our next departure time to Florida (via Houston in Texas). Soooo tired and jet lagged - did not even see the safety demonstration on the plane. 
Arrived in Florida at 6am Saturday morning. Headed out to our resort at the Driftwood beach club (pictured above).
Took about a day to become 'human' again after settling into the time differences. Lovely to see all our friends from here again.
Took a water taxi in and around Fort Lauderdale/Miami on day 3. Wow...the $$$, the mansions, the yachts! How do people get so rich?
Enjoyed some Margarita's & Mexican food with Anne and Erika along Los Olas Blvd.
I saw more MASERATI's today than I've ever seen back home !!!
Back to the pool for a swim, and play some board games before bed. It's taken 3 days before our Australian winter skin and soft feet have finally adapted to the weather and conditions.