Saturday, October 15, 2011


Washington DC - its very name invokes power and politics! 

Pictured above is the address of the Obama's - The White House, not Kenny's new pad.
The capital of the nation with all its history,  has surprisingly low slung buildings = apparently an architectural law that does not allow sky scrapers to inhabit.
We toured the great city, with all its National Monuments, spectacular Memorials and incredible sights - in both sunshine and drenching rain!

With all the political decisions made within the marble walls, the notable police and security presence was felt ten fold across the city. Military training bases on the outskirts of towns, FBI - K-9 patrols, police presence and even down to the road blocks built into the ordinary roads that can shut down the city's traffic access in an instant. All Museums and Memorials are free for admission as the Country encourages those who wish to learn about it's history. Since 9/11 obviously there is no access or tours of the White House.

We also went to the Arlington National Cemetery to witness the 'Changing of the Guard.'
The cemetery has 624 acres, which shelters the remains of over 320,000 servicemen and women, veterans from every war and major conflict in US history. It is the nations most sacred shrine.
Pictured below is the 'Tomb of the Unknown Soldier'. This grave has been guarded 24 hours a day for the last 70 years. Through sunshine or snow these guards meticulously pace 21 steps along the mat, pause for 21 seconds, turn and pace 21 steps back past the tomb. A symbol of 'if you went to war to protect us and fight for freedom - we will forever protect you.'
Inscritpted on the marbled tombstone - "Here rests in honour and glory an American Soldier known but to God."
The cemetery also has the grave sites of JFK and his wife Jackie Kennedy Onassis.

The Capitol Building pictured below is where the legislative branch of American Government (ie - Congress) meets to write the country's laws. It is also where each US president also gets sworn into office.
The layout of DC is extremely impressive. The brilliant white marbled buildings of the Lincoln memorial (which I remember purely from the Simpson's episode where Lisa goes to talk with Abe!!), the Jefferson memorial, Smithsonian Museums, the Reflection pool (famous in the movie Forrest Gump) and the Washington Monument all lie in the Nations Mall. On the outskirts lies the Pentagon! What a site. There are 184 illuminated benches there in memory of those killed in the 9/11 attack when a plane was hijacked from Philly and flown into the back of the building.

We are staying in a log cabin about an hour out of Washington DC - complete with rocking chairs on the front porch!! Very cute. Have been getting out and going for a run most days again and we've all been playing tennis on the nearby courts, ready for when we get back for the tennis season!

Only 2 days left now 'till we board the plane to fly back to the west coast for Los Angeles, then onto Melbourne, Australia! Tomorrow David is heading to the Washington Redskins V's Philadelphia Eagles game.

Will blog one more time before we head off.

Team Connor USA. XOXOXOX

Monday, October 10, 2011

Philadelphia PA to MARYLAND

Relaxing day at back at our Bushkill villa (Pennsylvania) to recover from New York City! Think we ventured outside at about 1pm! Lots of kids activities that the resort run, so we went to Kids Bingo in the afternoon. Met a nice family from Tennessee and we all went to dinner together.

Up early again the next day and made the 1 and a 1/2 hour drive into Philadelphia. A population of 1.45 million people and home to NFL's Philadelphia Eagles, 76's Basketball, Phillies Baseball team and the Flyers Ice Hockey. All their stadiums were conveniently located together which we came across on the edge of town. Philadelphia also borders on nearby state Delaware. We had to just pop over the border for our 47th state sign photograph!

First stop was the Philadelphia Museum of Arts. Famous for it's Rembrandt's and Picasso pieces inside. Team Connor was there however .......for the "Rocky Steps" that lead to it's entrance! The same staircase that Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) ran up in the 1976 Oscar Winning movie Rocky.

The view from the top looking back towards Philadelphia central was beautiful.
All in all, we found it to be a really nice city. Lots of Parks, Memorial Squares, Statues, fountains, clean streets and park benches to sit in the sun & relax. Although only 90 miles from the heart of NYC the pace of Philly life was a lot more laid back and livable!

Next day we left Pennsylvania and off down to Amish Country in nearby Lancaster. Very amusing to see all the town's folk out in their beautiful horse drawn black polished buggies off to church for Sunday morning. The surrounding farms had tractors and ploughs sitting out in the paddocks which are all powered by man or animal. No electricity and modern conveniences to be seen. All foods made from scratch and a very different and simple life for these communities. Jackson could not believe that they did not have X boxes or Wii's!
Across the border into our very last continental state .....yes we've done it, the 48th state - Maryland (Washington DC)!
Mission accomplished! But still plenty to do.
For those who may not know, America has 50 states (but 48 are continental). The remaining two - Alaska and Hawaii - one too cold and the other too far away! (techniquely we covered them all, as we meet a family from Alaska and we have watched Hawaii 5 0.)

One week left touring Washington DC before flying out to Los Angeles, then back home to Oz!

Love to all.
Team Connor USA.