Saturday, September 20, 2014

Universal Studios - Orlando

Arrived in Orlando to visit with Charlie, Nicole and Victoria. Before going to stay a few nights at their own house, we were lucky enough to be put up at the Lodge at the beautiful Lake Nona Golf and Country Club - many thanks Charlie.

Nestled on 7000 acres is the 'gated estate' of Lake Nona Golf and Country Club. A quick overview  of  offers a picturesque 18 hole golf course, and waterways, multi million dollar homes, 40,000 square foot club house, 18 room Lodge, fitness and tennis centre and swimming pool. Many of the world's best golfers and celebrities have their family homes here.

On the Friday we took Victoria to Universal Studio, where we were also joined our new friend Jack.
Our Jackson was fortunate enough this time to be able to fit on "ALL" the roller coasters that he missed out on last time.

A great day had by all, with "FAST PASSES" being the order of the day. No waiting in lines for this crew!!

During our time with Charlie and family, we were also lucky enough to tag along with them to catch a 'high school' football game, watch countless games of 'College ball' on the TV and Sunday football - NFL. We visited Downtown Orlando and enjoyed 'Smores' around the fit pit, singing Disney songs!! Kids played in the pool, and we were lavished with delicious meals and great company of family friends the entire stay.

Sad to leave Florida today, but extremely greatful for all our friends. It's been a blast!!
Off to Vegas now via Denver Colorado.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

NASA Visitor Centre - Cape Canaveral.

Leaving St. Augustine we made our way back towards Orlando. Along the way we stopped and visited the NASA Visitor Centre at Cape Canaveral. What an incredible place to see!

The first men to land on the moon were launched from this site in 1969, and every human space flight launch in the United States since that time has taken place from the Kennedy Space Center. 
One exhibit is a separate facility that holds an original Saturn V rocket and brings the story of America's journey to the moon to life. 

We will miss the launch of an actual shuttle by 2 days. The Press and the public can sit in the viewing stands, approx 3 miles from the launch pad and witness the take off. Within 1 mile of the launch pad at a launch it would blow your eardrums out and within a 1/2 mile would burn you alive! We got to take a tour bus right up to the launch pad on the day we went, experiencing the enormatity of these structures!

The rocket mover (the machine that takes the rocket from the Space centre to the Launch pad) travels at a speed of 1 mile per hour, on a gravel runway. This piece of machinery was operated by 4 trucks on tracks and its top surface area was enormous. It travels along the gravel so as to not put out sparks to ignite fuel tanks. From Space Centre to Launch Pad takes approx 6 to 8 hours fully loaded with a shuttle.

Visit our photo album to see more pictures of our tour. It was one of our tour days when you start out with not much of an expectation of what you are about to witness, but walk out with your 'mind blown' of what this facility and its organisation has accomplished and the work they continue to do.