Saturday, May 28, 2011

Goodbye Vegas, Hello Arizona

Well the Vegas part of the journey drew to an end on Saturday, as we headed off to our next destination - The Grand Canyon. The last 2 days in Vegas were pretty similar to the rest, pool in the morning, casino's and weird and wacky sites in the afternoon/evening. Was all in all a great experience but you burn the cash pretty fast and regular, budget was happy to leave the state!!!! Team Webster also left to head back to Australia today. It was sad to see them go.

Hired a Dodge RV, for the next 24 days and away we went. Our drive out to the Canyon (not there yet but close) took us about 4 hrs, with a stop off at Hoover Dam, so the kids could experience the man made wonder it is. Julia and i had seen it before but still enjoyed the magic of it again. During the drive up to Williams( where we are spending the night before finishing the last 60 miles tomorrow) we spent a fair bit of the journey on the old route 66 highway. Wasn't much to look at going through the desert but we did take some amusement at the house and land packages on offer ( love to see you sell some of what we seen Dave!) See pics in gallery. Had a short drive around town when we got here but finding a motel was of high priority, as there are 15 to 20 in town and we secured the only place left with vacancies. To our wisdom we have driven up here on Memorial Day long weekend, which is the equivalent to ANZAC day.

From here our journey takes us across to four corners (the only place in the USA where four states all meet) then  we head down south taking in New Mexico and back into Arizona to Phoenix. Will blog again from there.

Love Team Connor USA.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More Vegas........

Bought this really cool piece of artwork today from an artist in the Strip in Vegas. From a blank canvas he painted this piece for us, using only spray cans! AMAZING! Done in about 10 minutes - graffiti at it's best! More pictures of it in the gallery.

Had a lazy day by the pool yesterday floating around in tubes. David had too much sun and now has severe sunburn - see pics. Went into the Strip again today and did a lot of rides throughout various casino's - roller coasters, mini golf and 1 ride on top of the Stratosphere that shoots you straight up on top of 109 story building! I did not do this!

Then it was off to M&M world! Yes something that is made in Ballarat has prime time position on the Strip! Nice work Peter Kiel!!  4 floors of M&M's! Nascars, 3D movies, you name it they had it!

Nice and hot in the desert today - 92 degrees F. Beautiful dry heat - loved it!

No where near the tornado's mum & dad, (I know you will be worried). XX

Scoop booked us some Baseball tickets tonight for San Diego. Be back in there in about a week or so.

Love to all.
Team Connor USA.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Las Vegas

We made it!!!! What a different sort of drive it turned out to be. You leave the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles and outer suburbs, then you hit a long, long, long straight ride with nothing to look at but desert. One of our goals in this trip was to take a photo of every state sign as we crossed into them, a little hard when there was no sign just a casino right on the state line to let you know you had made it into Nevada. So we stopped as you do and took photo's of the casino instead!!! What a unique, different, eye opening place Vegas is. Everything from movie star look alikes just strolling up and down the strip, to the kids being allowed into every casino we walked into or through on our adventures and roller coasters going in through casinos and on top of them 57 stories up. If you can imagine it, as the saying goes,"it happens in Vegas". Our resort runs a bus into Vegas every hour, we are about 5 miles off the main strip, it drops us right in the middle, so we ventured down one side and back up, it took us a lazy 5 hrs.and that's only half done. Kids had had enough of the walking capper by then, mum and dad too!! and not a single cent spent in any casino on gambling. Drinking is a hole different story as you don't pay for alcohol in any casino, only costs you tips, so drinking buds for a $1 and people just walk up and down the strip with cocktails, beers and yard glasses full of all sorts of concoctscions.

Have had plenty of down time as well, just lazing by the pool, of which we have 5 of!!!

Kenny update: What a busy little fellow he has been, from visiting New York, the Eiffel Tower, Hooters, the Bellagio, being driven around in a limo and lazing by the pool, he is telling us he is ready for a holiday from this stardom business but hopefully he will become famous enough that we can live of his fame and fortune. His exploits are in the gallery.

Prices update: 10 lts of water $2.99, car rego $187 per year, electricity $120 a qtr. rates on a par with us but rubbish collection twice a week.

Weather update: Hot!!! Temperature has been averaging between 80 and 90 out here in the desert and we haven't hit summer yet.

Heading to golf on Thursday, Desert Pines Golf Club, $135-green fees, cart, clubs, shoes, and all other gear in the price!!!!

Keep the comments coming as we love reading about what's happening at home and if you  register and make a comment on the site, we know you are still alive!!!!!!

Love Team Connor USA