Tuesday, June 07, 2011

San Diego

Well time flies when you are having fun. Feels like we just posted when we got here, now we post before we head off in the morning. Crammed alot into the four days we had here.

Saturday we went into downtown San Diego and walked along the foreshore. We also went onto the USS Midway aircraft carrier, which has been turned into a museum, unbelievable the size of the thing, especially when you stand next to an airplane on the deck, makes you feel so small.

Drove past the San Diego Charges Stadium today - that's the second one from our list of 32!
2nd one from 32..................?????Yeah right!

Sunday was off to legoland, spent 7 hrs there and only just managed to see and do every ride, every show and everything else that goes with a theme park. The miniature replicas of Vegas, especially after just being there, were unbelievable. So much detail in every lego made building, took them something like 600 hrs for each one!!!!

Need Vegetables........went to the grocery store and bought a heap of vegetables for tea tonight! Also some chicken to put on the grill! No BBQ's - just grills. Have to build the heat beads & fuel up to a charcoal (takes around 20 minutes) then spread the beads out. Start cooking the chicken. This took about 45 - 60 minutes! Tracey.....no quick BBQ tonight!

Monday morning, we did some normal chores that just don't escape you even when on holidays....laundry & grocery shopping! Monday afternoon we went into Petco Park which is the home of the San Diego Padre's Baseball team. We took a quick detour into a little sports bar near by the stadium called Bub's. Walked in and there were peanut shells an inch thick all over the floor! Walked across these to a typical American style booth, ordered some drinks & $1 sliders (which is what we would call a burger), watched as much American sports on the plasma's on the walls - ice hockey, baseball etc etc. The atmosphere was electric!

Jackson got to play some mini league baseball before the big game started. His first 'at bat' took a few swings before he made contact then got to run the bases. His second 'at bat', he creamed it first pitch!
Two dad's in the crowd came and asked Scoop "does he have an agent?"...........Well the footy, skateboard and scooters have been put aside and we are now the proud owners of a baseball and bat!

The crowd were so welcoming around where we sitting. One man gave Jackson his 'real' baseball glove to wear. Another man caught a baseball from the game and gave it to Makalea and one security guard came and gave Jackson a real 'pitchers' game ball! We can now add that to our collection.

Tuesday - off to Seaworld. Saw three "killer whales!" What more can I say. Follow the link below to see our video we took. Before the Killer Whale show the presenters asked for all Military men & women, both active and non-active, past & present, United States and visiting from out of the crowd to stand and be appreciated and honoured from everyone else in the stadium. This just blew us away as they did it at the baseball too. We would estimate that around 100 people stood up from the crowd to be honoured. It is amazing how patriotic the Americans are. Something Australia could adopt at major events.........


Leaving San Diego tomorrow and are heading up the coast to San Francisco. The budget is glad to leave all the theme parks behind......... or we would be home before you even get here Rose!!

Talk soon and we love to get those emails and comments!
Thanks everyone.

Team Connor USA.....XOXOXOXOX


  1. Loved the whale spinning on the platform! And the photo of Jackson with the Baseball glove!

  2. I hope that was soft drink you were drinkin' at Bub's Bar Makalea! You too Kenny!

  3. Hi guys. Looks as though you are having a wonderful time. Missing you all. Love all the updates....

  4. Sounds like you have a future baseball star in your family!
