Tuesday, June 14, 2011

San Francisco to Portland

We'll we headed off from San fran on an overcast day, with 3 days to get us along the coast up to our next stop, Portland.

Day 1- The scenery along the coast on the way up was amazing. As we kept getting higher towards the Californian/Oregon border the more the Belinda Jane (Pritchard) part of the journey kicked in. State park after State park after National park!!!! The lakes and streams were just picturesk, something you see on postcards or doco shows and can't believe that they exist. Plenty of camp areas, bushwalking trails,birds and animals and of course plenty of trees to hug!!!!(as seen in the photo gallery). Even managed to find a park named after you Tim (Aqua Domain). Luch and tea were had in State parks by the lakes skipping rocks on the water, back to the simple things in life!!!

Day 2-They seem to have there state borders pretty much spot on, as we crossed into state no.7, the weather changed dramatically as we climbed higher into the forests. The jumpers made there first appearance, as we were back down to days of 15 degrees (still better than Ballarat), fresh mornings but by lunch blue skies and a gentle sea breeze. Also had our first taste of rain, since day 2 at Disneyland, on the night we slept in the car by the sea in a park area. Was soothing to wake up to light drizzle and the waves crashing in on the shore line, with a stiff neck to go with it!!! As we got further up the coast on this day, we came across a National park full of sand dunes. We ventured in to take a look and came across a dune buggy hire place. The option was given to the kids, half hour dune buggy ride and another night in the car or a comfy motel further up the road for a good night's sleep. So, as we strapped our helmets on and ran through the safety video, dad was very happy with the selection but mum wasn't that keen on the idea. You'll notice why in the following videos and as they say "a picture is worth a thousand words", just happy she got out of the buggy first!!!!After a couple more beach stops along the way, we pulled into a motel for the night (mum also got what she wanted).


Day 3- A short drive of about an hour, found us at a place called sealion caves, the world's biggest natural cave along the coast, that is home to about 350 sealions and seals (apparently there is a difference-homework for everybody to find out what). It has been a tourist attraction since 1932, even has an elevator that goes down 200 feet through solid rock to a view point, so you are in the cave. From here we continued up the coast, with a few stops along the way, lunch and beach frolicing, before leaving our good friend, of about 6 days all up, US101 North behind as we headed in land to Portland.

We have 5 nights here, with some down days needed, washing etc. to catch up on, so we will blog again before we move on.
Team Connor USA


  1. You tricked me...getting in early this time! Gee your photos are good! Love the lakes and the big trees! Buggy ride looked fun...Keep on snapping! xo

  2. looks like your having a great time. hehy scoop make sure if you see any hot celebs u give them my number cheers. cant wait to see next photos and stories. keep on truckin
