Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Seattle and beyond.....

**R.I.P. - Ben Ridsdale. Work mate of Julia at Reece, good friend of the family and one of our website followers,who's life was tragically taken over the w/end as a result of a car accident back home. We will keep him in our hearts, thoughts and memories forever.

Seattle is a massive city with loads of traffic congestion, so we didn't venture too far from the hotel for a few days. When we did we went to the Cinema and watched "Cars 2".

We also worked up enough courage (on a Sunday with less traffic) to drive Neville (our $50,000 hire car!!) into the CBD to the "Pike's street market". Not your average market.....here they have fresh seafood stalls, where you buy a fish and they throw it at you! They sing and dance, wrap your fish up and send you on your way. We also came across the very first 'Starbucks coffee shop' ever.

Seattle is world famous for the home of Microsoft, Starbucks, Grey's Anatomy (Seattle Grace Hospital) , Twin Peaks and Seattle Seahawks (NFL- stadium no. 5).

Monday night we went into the baseball (missed the Bachelorette on T.V ....GGgrrrr). Seattle Mariners V's the Atlanta Braves. Jackson was given another baseball and Makalea found one in the cup holder in the back of an empty seat! Scoop has been collecting souvenir baseballs as we travel around, from different cities, so this will be 2 more for the collection.

Tuesday morning we left Seattle and headed towards the small town of Leavenworth. A small German influenced town where Lederhouseons would be right at home! So many snow capped mountains along the way and beautiful fast flowing snow melt rivers. Found an "Australian shop" in the small town and yes I paid $10 for a small jar of Vegemite!!!! That's right $10!!  Oh how I missed it. Made cheese and Vegemite sandwiches for lunch! AWESOME! Drove out to Wenatchee for the night. Kids swam in the pool at the motel as the weather is getting better now. Met some really nice local people with kids who have now given us a few tips on camping (with Bears) in the Yellowstone National Park (our next stop).
As a result of our conversation, we have been told to add 'pepper spray' and 'a rifle' to our shopping list. I was thinking more like a 'Tazer'! Seriously you can buy guns and knives over here like a loaf of bread! We have also bought a tent and airbeds. Heading into the park for 6 nights as of Thursday, can check emails (so keep them coming) but wont be able to write a blog until we head out.

Took a walk around Wenatchee after dinner and we found a marquee (12 x 9) set up in the middle of town, selling fireworks! As Americans celebrate the 4th of July this weekend (Independence day). Yes, you can buy a "backyard pack" for a mere $450! The amount of fireworks in the box would be the equivalent to Australia day celebrations in Melbourne! Do you want me to send one home Tony & Az for your party? We aren't sure of State law in Wyoming (where Yellowstone is) so we didn't buy any.....yet.

Leaving the state of Washington (state #8 for us) tomorrow, drive through Idaho (state#9) and into Montana (state #10) before our stop at Yellowstone in Wyoming (state#11).

Stay safe everyone.

Team Connor USA...... XOXOX

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