Sunday, July 24, 2011

Green Bay WISCONSIN to Chicago ILLINOIS.

Green Bay -WISCONSIN - home of the Green Bay Packers - 2011 NFL Superbowl champions!
Went on a tour of Lambeau field, their home stadium 2 blocks from our motel. The football team is the heart of this town. The locals are very passionate about their 2011 champion athletes. We got to run out the tunnel where the team gets to enter the field (very well marketed with the sound of 72,000 strong crowd beaming out of the speakers, to imitate the game day experience)!

Jackson bought a Brett Favre #4 NFL top. We also got to see the Superbowl 2011 trophy and Superbowl diamond ring in the hall of fame!
We also found a really cool little showground called Bay Beach Adventure Park. Roller coaster rides for ....yep a quarter! 25 cents. Where else do you get value like that these days!

Did a little wine and cheese tasting and that was that. If Green Bay didn't have their beloved football team the town would be relatively quiet.

Drove down to Milwaukee to spend the night. Around 95 - 100 degrees during the day time. We went to Bradford Beach along the shores of Lake Michigan (which looks like the ocean it is so big)! Almost got 3rd degree burns on our feet running to the waters edge... Wondered why no one was in the was SO RIDICULOUSLY cold still. In winter this lake freezes. I bet the kids $50 to go in up to their necks but it couldn't be done. A brief dip up to your knees and it was almost too painful! America's mid west and east coast are experiencing record heat waves. We had 5 consecutive days of temperatures of above 90 degrees = 32 degrees (which is the highest in the last 10 years). I think we are the only 4 people in the area outside in the middle of the day enjoying the weather!

On the way to Chicago we stopped at the Jelly Belly Warehouse, for a tour and samples etc. Our motel is nice here in the northern suburbs out near the airport. It has a lovely pool with an almost sound proof roof that you can see the planes fly over and feel like they are going to land in the car park.
We have had a 'major hiccup' in our travels - (our beloved laptop and lifeline to the world of technology) has died. Yes ....3 months old and it had had enough. Last night we were awoken to a crazy 'electrical and thunderstorm' about 2am. We had a dump of rain - 6 inches in one hour! The motel room next to ours was flooded and the entire carpark was underwater. Most of the residence were up and swimming in the pool at 3am as the noise from the storm, no one could sleep. Safe and cosy in our motel room, we were very glad we were not out in our tent!
Scoop was up taking photo's of the storm and was just in time to move Neville to higher ground as the water lapped at the bottom of the doors. Cars were towed away the next morning that 'were' stuck in the flood water, most were written off with water damage! 2 x Mercedes and a Chev wagon (see photo's).
Had to go and purchase a new laptop the next morning. Can not possibly survive without our beloved lifeline to the world of technology! Stopped by the Arlington races on the way home, just to see if it would still be on after the nights storm of 6 inches of rain. They just swapped it from grass track to the dirt track around the outside. It also happened to be 'Millitary Appreciation Day', which was lovely to see.

Chicago - Downtown! Could possibly top San Francisco as my favourite city. Loved it! Came here thinking ....just another city. But this city was amazing. The culture, the architecture, the rivers that wind through it amongst all the skyscrapers, the pier, the parks and gardens and the beautiful city skyline is something that has to been seen to be believed. Hope we have brought a piece of it all to you through our photography.

Chicago is the 'Land of Abraham Lincoln'. Home to over 2.8 million people (75 different neighbourhoods), Chicago Cubs & White sox (baseball teams) and Chicago Bears (NFL team - saw the Stadium - no photo). Birth place of Walt Disney and the actual State of Illinois is where Barack Obama served as a United States Senator in 2005 before he resigned when he won the presidential election in 2008.

We also did an architectural tour of the city on a boat that went up through the river system. Went to the Sky deck (Willis tower - America's tallest building) which is 103 stories. Went out on one of those glass bottomed observation decks. Walked approx. 10 kms again today.

Heading off towards Indianapolis - Indiana tomorrow.
Please feel free to send us an email and comment on the blogs if you wish. Haven't heard much from Australia for a while......are you all snowed in...??????
Just kidding - love to all.
Team Connor USA.....XOXOX


  1. I'M STILL HERE, COMMENTING ON MOST OF YOUR BLOGS!! YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON ME!! WOO HOO! Glad to see you have a new laptop. "Chicago is my kind of town, Chicago is....."
    Sounds like a song. Keep on bloggin'! xo

  2. SOunds like you guys are having an awesome time!
