Monday, August 15, 2011

Austin & San Antonio - TEXAS!

Seriously.......this is Lance Armstrong's bike shop - Mellow Johnny's!
Not quite what we expected. Situated in downtown Austin, Mellow Johnny's is the heart and soul of Lance Armstrong. Pictured at the front is Juan Pelota the infamous coffee shop (meaning one ball/nut)....
Inside is pretty amazing though. Super friendly staff and merchandise from wall to wall. Down stairs are a lot of Lance's bike's from years gone by, and plaques of what the paintwork represented to cancer victim's and survivor's and what drove him to those 7 Tour de France victories (of which there is a signed one from every winning year, upstairs). Also a bike fit out & simulated training room.
A short stroll from the shop are many Lance Armstrong named bike paths that take you in and around the city of Austin - the capital of Texas.
One of the guys at the bike shop told us where to experience some of the best Tex-Mex cuisine this close to the Mexican border. He sent us to the locals haunt of Curra's! Great taco's, great enchilada's and great Margarita's!

Off to the south of Austin is the very pretty city, with 1.3 million people, called San Antonio. We had been advised by many people to do the River walk - pictured above. Most impressive. A strong Spanish/Mexican influence delivered a scenic stroll through sidewalk strewn restaurant's, cafes and gift shops. San Antonio is also home to the 'Alamo'. A pivotal event in the Texas revolution that saw the Texans eventually defend their state from the Mexican infiltration back in 1836.

At dusk after driving the hour and a half back from San Antonio, we took up our place on the Congress Ave Bridge with hundred's of other tourists. This was to witness the flight of 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats, that take flight each night at dusk, from their home under the bridge in the middle of downtown Austin. The sky turned a black haze as the bats made of to their night destination.

Thus concluding our time in Texas. Next stop Nashville Tennessee via 'Elvis - Graceland' and  three more states along the way.

Love to all.
Team Connor USA.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh it's Wednesday here and I only just discovered your post!! You got in early this week Darls! WOW!! Elvis and Graceland! Didn't know you were going there! Take lots of photos for me to see! Wild and windy here today....13 degrees..xo Luvyaz!
