Sunday, September 18, 2011

Do we have to leave the sunshine.....FLORIDA!

Finished our theme park adventures by going to Universal Studio's and Islands of Adventure - loads of rides! Loads of fun and great weather but about 'theme parked' out.
Universal Studios is home to "Harry Potter" world, the 'Hulk' roller coasters, Spiderman, Jurassic Park and Cat in the Hat and many more attrations.

Finally left Orlando after having lunch with Charlie and went up to Daytona Beach. Home of NASCAR racing. We also DROVE along the beach. Yes ....took Neville the Nissan right down onto the sand. Bizzare - pay $3 to take your car right down onto the sand, park and pop up your umbrella/seats and sit right near your car!!
See our video clip!

Left Daytona and headed north along the coast up to the most beautiful little town of St. Augustine. Claimed by Spain back in 1513, it is the first and oldest continually occupied settlement in America. The American's took ownership from the Spanied's in 1812.
It is home to 'The Oldest House' in the United States, 'The Oldest School House', a very cool Lighthouse and Fort, 'the Fountain of Youth' and most importantly (and our biggest drawcard to the area) our newly found friends (from the Driftwood Beach Club) - Millie and Bill!

Millie and Bill have an incredible home set on the edge of the forrest. We sat on their back deck in the evening, played in the tire swings on the tree and watched all the wild dear come out to graze. It was so beautiful. They were also later joined by 5 wild turkeys.
During the day we explored the township of St.Augustine. St.George street was a 'closed to traffic' area. It was a main street set back in time. We headed straight to the Spanish Bakery on advise that they had 'Empanado's' - which is said to be a meat pie. And we all know how much the Australian's are missing their meat pies after 4 months on the road!
Pictured above - is the Spanish Meat Pie. Does a good impression of a pastie though......
Not too bad on taste - not quite the real thing though. If anyone wants to meet us at the airport in Melbourne with a real meat pie on the 20th of October then we'd love to see you!!!

Back to Millie and Bill's for an exceptional tasty dinner of 'terriaki marinated beef', potatoes and sour cream, garlic infused asparagus (yes mum - I ate asparagus and it was really nice), creamed corn and spicey corn muffins! Yummo. Have to reiterate how grateful we are for home cooking when you have been on the road for 4 months! Topped with enjoyable conversation, wine and coffee it finished off our days in Florida with memories and freinds for life. Thank you to all who invited us into your homes and lives.

After 25 days down here in the Florida sunshine, the time has come when we must push on for more adventures up north.

More love from Team Connor very soon......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys

    Good to see you're enjoying yourselves, we're very jealous! Love Claire and Dave (UK) PS you should deffo stop in the UK on your way home ;o)
