Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Niagara Falls to Boston Massachusetts

We left Niagara and headed towards our next destination, for an over night stay, at Maine. The drive took us through some beautiful country side in the states of Vermont and New Hampshire, after finally making it out of up state New York. Fall is definitely in the air in this part of the country, as we are already seeing the changing of seasonal colors. Driving through Vermont we came across some of the devastation of the recent floods, from cyclone Irene, that feels like was months ago. We saw houses, cars and whole bridges that had been swept away still laying idle in the bottom of river beds. Was so surreal to witness this on a nice sunny day.

Portland was a nice little town in Maine, on the ocean's edge, that we stopped at to explore. It is home to most of the countries seafood
productivity, so we had to partake is some of this action, with David enjoying lobster and myself having probably the best fish and chips I've ever eaten. We were also able to view Americas first light house and most photographed, all be it for the fog on this day.

Yes, good, on we go. With states #40,#41 and #42 behind us, it was time to head towards #43 and our next stop over Boston Massachusetts.

We arrived on Friday night to Chris and Anne's place (more fellow residents from our stay in Driftwood Resort in Florida) to a lovely home cooked meal of Lasagna and apple pie. (Mak said it was nearly as good as Grandmas!) Anne's sister Karine, was also here to greet us, another Driftwood buddy. And not to forget Chris and Anne's canine pal - Benny the Boston Terrier!

Saturday the girls took us out to the County Fair - called the 'Big E' - which stands for The New England Exposition! Very similar to the Melbourne Show in Australia - had a lot of fun and food for the day! New England is the North Eastern region of the US that we are in at the moment. It encompasses 6 states - Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island and of course Massachusetts. New England is also home to the New England Patriots NFL team!

We went to Gillette Stadium at Patriot Place to see their "Hall of Fame" and Stadium. The 'Pats' are 3 times Superbowl winners in the last 10 years! Led of course by Quarterback - Tom Brady!!

Anne's family invited us around for dinner. A beautiful Brazilian family with amazing Brazilian food! We were graced with the presence of such welcoming parents, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends. All who had come along to meet the Australians in their town!! We had a very enjoyable nights laughing, eating and drinking finding out about each others culture. Makalea picked up some very fluent Portuguese and Jackson got some soccer tips from Uncle Paulo who played very high level soccer back home in Brazil!!

Next day we had Anne and Karine gave us a tour of Boston! Unfortunately Chris could not join us, as he not only gets up at 5am and goes to work he also goes to school of a night time! We went to Harvard University and walked around the campus. Very impressive! The intellect level certainly rises when you step through those campus ground gates! Kenny has enroled in law for next year. Between Harvard and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology - which is close by), they are home to approx 30,000 students. Surrounding each University is a conglomeration of book stores, coffee shops, bars, and restaurants. Went to the Quincy Market for lunch and the Boston Common to walk around and stroll all the food off! Also found the actual 'Cheers' bar right in the middle of Boston.

Stayed the week at Anne and Chris's house. Had a blast! We took turns in cooking each night and had a load of fun. When it comes time to leave and say goodbye...... it could be difficult. Love 'em heaps! Now that we have escaped !(lol), we were only going to be here for the weekend, didn't want to impose to much,
heading to Cape Cod and Provincetown tomorrow then camping at Newport - Rhode Island on the weekend with Anne, Chris and Karine. Should be good!

Love to all at home!
Team Connor USA..   XOXOXOXOXO

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