Thursday, September 11, 2014

Our relaxing week at the Driftwood has again not disappointed us! Providing more great characters for us to meet and make strong friendships with, and reaquanting with old friends.
With the Miami Dolphins Vs New England Patriots season opener looming on the Sunday, the street outside our resort was shut down for an almighty 'Patriots Street Party'. Complete with live band, food, drink and dancing.

The game itself was amazing! Decked out from head to toe in Patriots gear the Connor family headed to the stadium after checking out of the Driftwood and heading further south towards Miami.
Sitting high in the stands we were witness to a great opening ceremony of the National Anthem, fireworks and a full field sized flag show and cheerleaders!! Although the day was hot out in the sun (around 92 degree's F) we enjoyed hot dogs, soda's and unfortunately saw the Patriots get beaten.

We headed up the coast to have lunch with Randy in West Palm Beach, in our Mustang convertible, lovely Asian and Thai food. 2 hours further up towards staying our week with Nicole, Charlie and family, we were fortunate enough to stay a couple of nights with our new friend Jack whom we also met at the Driftwood.

Jack is a New York Firefighter. Jack had incredible stories and such 'raw' photos from being on the frontline of that fateful day of September 11. Jack was a great host in his beautiful home and crazy friendly dog - Raider! We saw the sights of Saint Augustine, visited the Alligator Farm and drove along the beach in his big black F250 truck. We are very thankful for all the kind hearted people that take us in on our travels. Jack sent one very happy little boy on his way with his actual old firefighter badge to keep!

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