Friday, September 26, 2014

San Francisco.

Our last visit here to San Francisco was some of our most memorable days on our 6 month USA trip. This time I'm sorry to say,we couldn't get out quick enough. How so much had changed in tourism in just 3 years!

This time all the renowned Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 area's were so overcrowded with tourists!!.. Yes I know we are tourists of sorts too, (we like to think of ourselves as almost locals though really). American tourism must be marketing the 3 x West Coast hot spots of Los Angeles, San Fran and Las Vegas, to the best of their ability to the Australian and English public as I think there were more Australian's here than what is left back home!

Alcatraz tours were booked out for 7 days in advance, so unfortunately we only got to see that from the outside.

We did however have an enjoyable day hiring bikes and riding across the Golden Gate bridge to the other side to what once was a lovely quiet little town of Sasalito, but unfortuanley in my eyes has again become such an over populated tourist mecca! 

To top off our 'not so' great trip to San Francisco our motel bathroom roof "caved" in with a water pipe burst from an upstairs room blocked toilet!!!

Anyhow, moving on..............................

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