Wednesday, January 25, 2017

NASA and Fort Lauderdale

Our trip to NASA again was of course - amazing! We allowed enough time this time to enjoy all the show’s and presentations. The tour out to the ‘Launch Pad’s’, the machines that move the rockets about, the simulator ride of a launch and one of the actual rockets laid on its side - still blows your mind!
We also were lucky enough to meet and have our photo taken with an Astronaut – Mr Jon McBride.

The night before they launched an actual Orbital Space Based Inferred System (not occupied by humans) that can detect and track missile launches world wide! It was a shame that it wasn’t scheduled on the day that we were there to see it.

We bought some Astronaut Ice Cream whilst there – very interesting! Freeze dried ice cream sandwich. Doesn’t need refrigeration, tasted like icecream, except VERY hard. Nearly broke our teeth!

Once the Kennedy Space Centre had closed we headed off down the I-95 to our next stop Fort Lauderdale. A couple of lazy days by the pool and a surprise visit from Jack! He’s missed us being around already. So nice that he can join us again down here.
Monday we went and hung out at the ‘Driftwood Beach Club’ pool, just for old times sake. We also got to see a paver/brick that we had engraved 2 years ago in the path there that leads to the beach!
A spot of shopping then back to the resort. Couldn’t do much else today as the weather didn’t allow us to. Very windy and we had a ‘Tornado’ warning in place overnight.

Today’s adventure was off to Billie’s Swamp Saffari out in the Everglades. A ‘Zoo – like’ park with air boat rides and swamp buggy tours. On the air boat we were lucky enough to see a 10 ft gator and a smaller 3  ft one. Of course at the ‘Critter show’ I was hauled out of the crowd to come and hold something that was in a box – I knew straight away it was going to be a snake! The lady before me held a big Triantula the size of the palm of her hand. I refused to hold the snake, I just couldn’t. It was a boa – constrictor. We did get to hold a small Gator though which was fun!

At night we ventured across the road from the resort to Pomano Park. It was a Harness Racing track. A fun night and I think we came home with a few $$ better off.

The boys had a round of golf this morning at the Palm Aire Country Club adjacent to where we are staying. 

Once golf was done, it was time to pack as the end of the journey had arrived. Heading home about 2 weeks early to be with Julia's dad who was having some procedures. A magnificent trip had once again mostly due to the "Driftwood Clan", helping us with great friendships and accomodation during the journey. Anne, Karin, Tom, Carol, Charlie, Jack, Bill, Millie and all the new friends we made along the way, we can't thank you enough

So, till our next journey, fingers crossed, September 2018, this is teamconnorusa signing off.

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