Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Disneyland Day 2 & 3 (day and nights)

In this blog we did a bit of park hopping between Disneyland & California Adventure Park. This photo we took of what the park looks like at night. At around 9pm they have an AMAZING light show on the water! All the rides still operate regardless of weather and time.
It rained a little at first, so we purchased poncho's. The lines were marginly shorter for the rides due to the weather but it didn't phase teamconnor and it soon cleared up for the afternoon and the long waits came back !!!
45 minutes to an hour is the most we have had to wait in lines for rides. Kids have been really good but we have explained that in the coming weeks when  the summer holidays start, you can wait for hours!

Some really COOL rides we found today - Space mountain, Flyin' over California, Pirates of the Caribean, Hotel Hollwood and the Big Thunder Rail road.
Mickey's fun wheel as pictured above didn't do much for Julia as we hopped in a swinging carriage - evil !!

Groceries - Have found a convenience store across the street from our hotel that is serving us well. Except when we go to walk across the road, you first look the wrong way! 6 lanes of cars to get across too - and thats just a quiet road! We are slowly getting used to the money (as it all looks the same) except coinage its just irrelavent. Still struggling with the 'tipping' concept, and the tax gets added on top of the price tag. includes the tax) plus you have to tip the shop keeper/waitress 15% of that.

With the shopping items have found junk food ie - chips, soda's etc is on a parr with prices back home, but surprisingly fruit & veg - ie healthy stuff are heaps cheaper. Paid .69 cents a lb for bananas which converts to approx $1.49 kilo. Thought we were on a great bargain there until we spoke to people from Oregon, who told us that .69 cents was double to what they paid back home.

Am really struggling to find decent coffee over here!

Drinks for adults are basically half price as compared to Australia. Scoop wants to move here just for that reason!!!!!

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