Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today "Team Connor" went with "Team Webster" (Scoop's sister Joanne & brother in-law Justin, who are travelling with us for 2 weeks) to Disneyland! Kenny was out of control today! From hanging out with the disney characters to trying on things in the gift shop, goofy's letter box.  Check out the "FLICKER PHOTO LINK" at the bottom of our web page to view our days antics.
Spent 6 hours at Disneyland today of our 5 day pass. Jackson was incapable of walking by the end of the day. 4 days & nights to go........

Weather - rained this morning, came out beautiful this afternoon then cold at around 6pm. Was warm enough to swim yesterday at the resort (heated pool). Struggled with a little bit jetlag yesterday. Both teams were in bed by 7.30pm - ('bout your normal bedtime anyway Dad - Raymond)!

Met some lovely people this morning at breakfast, Dayna, Will & Crystal and have given us a few tips for travelling in their states across the U.S.A.

Back to Disneyland again tomorrow for more of KENNY's antics. Will blog again in a couple of days....
Love Team Connor!


  1. Hooley Dooley Kids! Looks like you're havin' yourselves a hum-dinger of a time over there!

  2. great stuff guys. Looking forward to following your wonderful adventure!! The Pritchards.

  3. Great photos, Jealous much!

  4. Jasmine and Alicia are so jealous Mak got to meet Minnie Mouse.
