Saturday, May 28, 2011

Goodbye Vegas, Hello Arizona

Well the Vegas part of the journey drew to an end on Saturday, as we headed off to our next destination - The Grand Canyon. The last 2 days in Vegas were pretty similar to the rest, pool in the morning, casino's and weird and wacky sites in the afternoon/evening. Was all in all a great experience but you burn the cash pretty fast and regular, budget was happy to leave the state!!!! Team Webster also left to head back to Australia today. It was sad to see them go.

Hired a Dodge RV, for the next 24 days and away we went. Our drive out to the Canyon (not there yet but close) took us about 4 hrs, with a stop off at Hoover Dam, so the kids could experience the man made wonder it is. Julia and i had seen it before but still enjoyed the magic of it again. During the drive up to Williams( where we are spending the night before finishing the last 60 miles tomorrow) we spent a fair bit of the journey on the old route 66 highway. Wasn't much to look at going through the desert but we did take some amusement at the house and land packages on offer ( love to see you sell some of what we seen Dave!) See pics in gallery. Had a short drive around town when we got here but finding a motel was of high priority, as there are 15 to 20 in town and we secured the only place left with vacancies. To our wisdom we have driven up here on Memorial Day long weekend, which is the equivalent to ANZAC day.

From here our journey takes us across to four corners (the only place in the USA where four states all meet) then  we head down south taking in New Mexico and back into Arizona to Phoenix. Will blog again from there.

Love Team Connor USA.


  1. Good to hear some more of you guys! We are going up to Moona shortly so have printed this last instalment out to show the Moonarites who don't have computers. Mum's coming over tomorrow so will show her all the latest photos then....xo

  2. Hey Guys!

    Looks like you are having lot's of fun on the trip. Loved the video of Kenny on the ride. If you buy enough cheap alcohol you could probably send it back to Australia and still come out ahead in terms of cost.

    All is well here other than the fact it's freezing cold and wet, you know the usual for Ballarat.

    Looking forward to hearing more!!

    From Chris "Big Chris"

  3. I can't believe you are on such a big adventure!!

    How fantastic is Disneyland!! I can't wait to see what's next!

