Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More Vegas........

Bought this really cool piece of artwork today from an artist in the Strip in Vegas. From a blank canvas he painted this piece for us, using only spray cans! AMAZING! Done in about 10 minutes - graffiti at it's best! More pictures of it in the gallery.

Had a lazy day by the pool yesterday floating around in tubes. David had too much sun and now has severe sunburn - see pics. Went into the Strip again today and did a lot of rides throughout various casino's - roller coasters, mini golf and 1 ride on top of the Stratosphere that shoots you straight up on top of 109 story building! I did not do this!

Then it was off to M&M world! Yes something that is made in Ballarat has prime time position on the Strip! Nice work Peter Kiel!!  4 floors of M&M's! Nascars, 3D movies, you name it they had it!

Nice and hot in the desert today - 92 degrees F. Beautiful dry heat - loved it!

No where near the tornado's mum & dad, (I know you will be worried). XX

Scoop booked us some Baseball tickets tonight for San Diego. Be back in there in about a week or so.

Love to all.
Team Connor USA.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT? Did you just ask some random Limo Driver to hold Kenny?
